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Members in Donegal



Members in Leitrim



Members in Monaghan



Members in Sligo



Members in Louth



Members in Cavan



Members in Mayo



Members in Roscommon



Members in Longford



Members in Westmeath



Members in Meath



Members in Galway



Members in Offaly



Members in Kildare



Members in Wicklow



Members in Laois



Members in Clare



Members in Tipperary



Members in Kilkenny



Members in Wexford



Members in Limerick



Members in Waterford



Members in Kerry



Members in Cork



Members in Dublin



Members in Carlow




Spirit of Alliance - Diversity, Equality, Inclusivity

“Since becoming members in 2019, the Alliance has acted as an invaluable resource for AsIAm. We value and embrace diversity, equality and inclusivity, and these three words embody the spirit of the Alliance. We truly value their work, commitment and efforts to provide a platform for the voices of children to be heard in our society. During lockdown, its eclectic membership effectively advocated the many concerns of our members, with their seminars, speakers and platforms giving life to the great adage ‘Ní neart go cur le chéile‘ – ‘No strength without unity’


Amplifies our message with us and for us

“Our membership is hugely important for us. As a small team, we often feel our voices aren’t being heard at an appropriate level when we speak about child trafficking in Ireland. The Alliance affords us the opportunity to connect at a level which is appropriate to our own capacity and amplifies our message with us and for us. We are grateful for their connectivity and availability and would recommend membership to organisations of all sizes and individuals. Everyone can have an impact, and sometimes the meeting of many helps deliver a longer-lasting impact.”


Inspiring drive and ambition

“Barretstown has been a member of the Children’s Rights Alliance for a number of years and each year has proven to be more rewarding than the last. It is inspiring to see the drive and ambition of the Alliance and also how dedicated all their staff and members groups are in making Ireland a better place for children and young people. There is a great sense of support from all the members and the Alliance has made it possible to meet and connect with people across a broad range of services but all with similar interests. The access to information and to key policy makers and decision makers in Government and state agencies has been fantastic and most importantly, there is always someone at the end of a phone to take your call and provide support and advice. Thank you to the team at the Children’s Rights Alliance and keep up the great and inspiring work.”

Children's Books Ireland

Brings depth to our own campaigns

“Children’s Books Ireland was delighted to join the Children’s Rights Alliance in December 2020. Our membership of the Alliance cements our commitment to every child’s right to be a reader, and we hope that our presence among the other members of the Alliance will be a reminder to policymakers of the importance of the arts for all children. Being part of the Alliance connects us to our colleagues across sectors and allows us both to learn from them and to play a part in campaigns like Children’s Voices. Attending events which focus on our concerns, such as reform in education, bring depth to our own campaigns, and on a practical level, there are benefits such as receiving the Oireachtas Monitor which allows us to keep informed on relevant topics and how they are being discussed at government level. The team at the Alliance has been welcoming and open and we look forward to working with them in the coming years.”


broad and diverse network promoting and upholding children’s rights

“Our membership of the Children’s Rights Alliance (CRA) offers many benefits; from timely updates about relevant national and parliamentary discussions and developments, to being a part of a broad and diverse network of organisations working to promote and uphold children’s rights in Ireland and beyond. EPIC look forward to future collaborative opportunities with both CRA and its members as we launch our new five-year strategic plan later this year.”

Music Generation

haping the future of children and young people’s lives in Ireland

“Joining as a member of the Children’s Rights Alliance has enabled us to become more connected
into the conversations, policies and debates that are shaping the future of children and young
people’s lives in Ireland. Membership has also given our organisation a voice in those conversations,
so that we in turn can work for and champion the best interests of the children and young people
with whom we engage on a daily basis. As new members, the team at the Children’s Rights Alliance
took the time to get to know our organisation and continues to offer the support and resources we
need to think and plan in a rights-focused way. For us, the benefits of membership have already
ranged from increased knowledge, to access to expertise and participation in an influential network. We look forward to working in partnership with all members to advance
our shared goal to make Ireland one of the best places in the world to be a child.”

Migrant Rights Centre Ireland

Unyielding support and allyship

“The MRCI is a national organisation working to promote justice, empowerment and equality for migrants and their families. MRCI combines frontline services, policy, advocacy, and campaigning with migrant workers to secure rights. MRCI is a proud member of the Children’s Rights Alliance. Our most recent success, the Regularisation Scheme for Undocumented People, could not have been won without the support from CRA and member organisations. CRA have long been a stalwart advocate for the rights of children and young people with precarious immigration status, in particular undocumented children and young people. Their unyielding support and allyship for the Young, Paperless and Powerful and Justice for the Undocumented campaign has made a huge difference to ongoing efforts.”


Ensure that the rights of all children are to the fore across key policy areas

“Our membership of the Children’s Rights Alliance is hugely beneficial in our efforts to ensure the rights of migrant and refugee families are respected and protected. Through our work we routinely meet children who are affected by food poverty and by having to live in Direct Provision or equally unsuitable emergency accommodation. The work of the Children’s Rights Alliance to ensure that their rights and the rights of all children are to the fore across key policy areas is vital. In working towards our shared goals we benefit greatly from the regular panel sessions and briefings, and greatly appreciate the access provided to relevant information through tools like the Oireachtas Monitor.”

Educate Together

Making a difference in children's lives

“Educate Together has been a member of the Childrens Rights Alliance since its foundation in 1999. We really value the opportunity to engage with others who share our concern for children’s rights, and it’s great to be part of an organisation that is making such a difference in children’s lives.” 


Valuable Connections

“For NCBI since becoming a member of Children Rights Alliance the constant focus of the rights of the children with whom we work is ensured as being front and central. Belonging to a network of organisations looking at rights in a holistic sense facilitates more balanced progress as opposed to piecemeal attempts at improvement. 

NCBI has made valuable connections with other member organisations as well as with policy makers through our membership of CRA and the esteem in which it held at a national level makes these connections all the more productive. We at NCBI are extremely grateful for the work, expertise and professionalism of all in the Children’s Rights Alliance and look forward to continuing to work with them into the future.”


Rainbow Club Cork

A platform to have a voice

“We wanted to acknowledge as members of Children’s Rights Alliance the support & help we receive throughout the year. We attend webinars regularly that give us valuable updates and information, connection with other organisations and also a platform to have a voice on. We value this relationship a lot as it aligns with our own mission in advocating for disability and childrens rights. We were also very lucky to secure funding allowing us to give out food to families in need tackling food poverty in the local area and at Club. We look forward to continuing this partnership in the many years ahead.”  

SVP Ireland

Maximising Impact

Membership of the Children’s Rights Alliance is hugely beneficial to the social justice team at SVP. Working together and sharing expertise on collective issues of concern particularly in the areas of child poverty and educational disadvantage allows us to maximise our impact. The high-quality outputs and campaigns of the Alliance provide us with a range of advocacy tools that we utilise in our daily social justice activities.