Extern Ireland works with young people at the edge of care/ custody and their families. We aim to change people’s lives, by meeting them at their point of need bringing solutions and delivering quality services reconnecting them with society, building better communities for us all. We provide supports to young people and families in their local communities as we are committed to positive community inclusion and believe everyone has the ability to contribute positively in society.
As a charity we strive for:
- An inclusive and fair society.
- Keeping children and their families together, where possible.
- Reducing offending and the impact of offending on victims and the community.
- People have somewhere to live.
- People we work with are better equipped to live and make a contribution to their community.
Extern Ireland
1st Floor, Block 4,
Monread Leisure and Commercial Centre,
Monread Avenue,
Co Kildare
Tel: 0489 0840555
Email: [email protected]