Published date: 02 Mar 2020
This is the twelfth Report Card and the final under A Programme for a Partnership Government. Again this year, our independent panel of experts graded the Government’s performance. The Government is awarded an overall ‘C+’ grade for living up to its promises to children, an increase on last year’s ‘C’.
This grade represents a satisfactory attempt, but some children are still left wanting. The highest individual grade in Report Card 2020 is a ‘B+’ which was awarded to ‘Physical Health’. The lowest grade was awarded to ‘Child and Family Homelessness’, which received an F for the second year in a row. However, two sections received a ‘D’ grade, which indicates barely acceptable performance , with little or no positive impact on children: ‘Traveller and Roma Children’ and ‘Mental Health’; The Children’s Rights Alliance acknowledges the important groundwork that has been carried out in a number of areas, but it is clear that much more must be done by the next Government to ensure every child has every opportunity to reach their full potential.
Read the main documents here:
Alternatively, you can access the Report Card by chapter: