Published date: 12 Apr 2017

Prevention and Early Intervention Network and Children’s Rights Alliance Submission

The Children’s Rights Alliance and the Prevention and Early Intervention Network welcome the opening of a national discussion on the role of Community Nursing and Midwifery, and are delighted to have the opportunity to make a submission to the consultation process.

This submission seeks to support and inform the consultation process on the development of a Community Nursing and Midwifery Response to an integrated model of care and provides recommendations on how to strengthen the model being proposed by the Department of Health.

This submission is concerned primarily with how to design a Community Nursing and Midwifery Response to an integrated model of care that organises and manages health and social services so that young children and their parents, from pre-birth onwards, get the treatment and care they need, when they need it, in ways that are user-friendly, achieve the desired results, fulfilling a child’s right to access preventative care, early intervention, and treatment should they require it.