Published date: 29 Oct 2019

Youth Justice Strategy Member Consultation Report October 2019

The first National Youth Justice Strategy was launched in 2008 and covered the period up to 2010. It was followed by the Action Plan on Youth Justice, spanning the period of 2014-2018. The Department of Justice and Equality is in the process of drafting a new strategy with a view to aligning this with the mechanism that is expected to follow on from Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures, The National Policy Framework for Children and Young People which is due to expire in 2020.

In the process of developing a new strategy, the Department of Justice and Equality has engaged with other departments, agencies, civil society organisations and other stakeholders, including the Children’s Rights Alliance, through a steering group. The group first met in February 2019. The Alliance was invited to take part due to the role of its Chief Executive, Tanya Ward, as Chair of the National Advisory Council under the Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures, The National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2014-2020. As the key youth organisation on the Advisory Council, the Alliance has joined with the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) for the purposes of this consultation.