Published date: 13 Sep 2021

In 2019, the Children’s Rights Alliance published Safe Haven – Needs of Refugee Children Arriving in Ireland through the Irish Refugee Protection Programme: An Exploratory Study. One of the key recommendations in this report was the need for tailored family support programmes to be developed for refugee parents to support them in adjusting to parenting in a new context. While the Safe Haven report focused on families in the Emergency Reception Orientation Centres, it would be beneficial to apply this recommendation to families living in the Direct Provision system. This could be done through Family Support Programmes, non-governmental organisations (NGO) or Family Resource Centres that link in with these families at a local level.

Aims and Objectives of the Research
The Children’s Rights Alliance and Tusla, the Child and Family Agency are seeking to jointly contract a consultant to conduct a research study into current family support practices (both onsite and in the community) with a view to identifying needs, exploring what is currently working well and recommending an integrated family support approach to support the particular needs of families living in the international protection accommodation system.

How to apply
Tenders should be submitted to Tanya Ward, Chief Executive at [email protected] by close of business – extended now to Monday 4 October 2021.

See full Call for Tenders attached.