Published date: 16 Dec 2022

Children’s Rights Alliance congratulates Bernard Gloster on his appointment as the new CEO of the Health Service Executive

Speaking in response to the announcement of Bernard Gloster as the new Chief Executive of the Health Service Executive (HSE), Tanya Ward, Chief Executive of the Children’s Rights Alliance said:

“I am delighted to see that Bernard Gloster will be appointed as the new CEO of the HSE. I am not surprised by this appointment at all. Bernard Gloster took up the role of CEO of Tusla – the Child and Family Agency, just over three years ago at a difficult time for the agency. In that short period, Gloster has restructured Tusla, significantly enhanced the delivery of services, promoted innovation, built staff morale and helped change the direction of the organisation. However, what has always been clear, is his commitment to the people Tusla was servicing – children, young people and families. His leadership of Tusla through the turbulent years of the Covid-19 pandemic was outstanding. Tusla kept its focus on the most vulnerable children and its staff, programmes and partners were motivated to deliver the best possible service. A great communicator and relationship builder, Gloster has worked hard to bring civil society and groups working with children, young people and families along with him. Tusla will have many more challenges ahead in its journey but Gloster has set it on the right path. He has brought together a great management team that are ready to continue to build on this important work. Gloster is a great appointment for the HSE at a challenging time. He will be well-placed to bring a renewed focus to services for children, young people and families.”


Contact: Emma Archbold, [email protected] / 0879971410

Notes to Editors:
Tanya Ward, Chief Executive, Children’s Rights Alliance is available for interview.

About the Children’s Rights Alliance
Founded in 1995, the Children’s Rights Alliance unites over 140 members working together to make Ireland one of the best places in the world to be a child. Further information is available at: or on Twitter, @ChildRightsIRL

For media queries, please contact:

Emma Archbold

Campaigns and Communications Director