Published date: 08 Jul 2024

Budget 2025 cannot fail children in care

Commenting on today’s volume of reports from the Child Law Project, Tanya Ward, Chief Executive of the Children’s Rights Alliance said:

“The latest volume from the Child Law Project confirms the lifesaving role that the child protection and welfare services play for children in need of care. This is the most vulnerable group of children and young people in the country. They have often been subjected to harm, abuse and neglect. The reports from the Child Law Project demonstrate the central role foster carers and social workers play in supporting these children and young people. However, the latest string of reports highlights situations where Tusla has struggled to find appropriate placements in foster care, residential care and special care for children. The reports also reveal the ripple-effect of the ongoing recruitment and retention crisis, with children and young people left for long periods of time with no allocated social worker to support them.”

“We are particularly concerned for the welfare of approximately 70-80 children. This is a small group of children, but they need a stepped-up approach from Tusla and other support services. The reports point to a number of vulnerable children who are under a special care order, but no special care bed is available to them. The core child protection and welfare system needs a significant investment so that Tusla can provide appropriate placements as well as access to health and mental health services for children in their own communities.”

“Wrangling over pay for the staff needed for special care arrangements has to end. At the moment, pay is impacting on Tusla’s ability to attract and retain highly qualified staff for this lifesaving work. Our child protection and welfare services are sometimes the only support system a child may have. Government has the power to address the shortfalls currently fracturing the system through increased investment in the core child protection and welfare services in the upcoming budget. Budget 2025 cannot fail children in care.”



For media queries, contact Robyn Keleghan, 085 800 1275 / [email protected]
Notes to Editors:

  • Tanya Ward, Children’s Rights Alliance is available for interview
  • The Child Law Project Reports are available here.

About the Children’s Rights Alliance
Founded in 1995, the Children’s Rights Alliance unites over 150 members working together to make Ireland one of the best places in the world to be a child. Further information is available at: or on Twitter, @ChildRightsIRL #ChildrensBudget25


For media queries, please contact:

Emma Archbold

Campaigns and Communications Director