Over the next three years, the Children’s Rights Alliance will:
- Ensure our members’ voice are core to shaping our work to achieve our strategic objectives and in implementing this Strategic Plan.
- Deliver a comprehensive membership engagement strategy that encourages mobilisation and builds campaigns around law reform and public policy work and adds value to members’ own organisational goals.
- Ensure that confidence and trust in the Alliance reputation and excellence in standards is maintained.
- We will continue to develop a diverse membership, welcome new members and grow the membership in years 2 and 3 of the Strategic Plan.
- Develop a member Induction Pack and Charter for Members.
- Provide information supports and organise events to build members’ capacity to implement a children’s rights approach through their frontline services, in their advocacy, research and representational work. Include a special focus on groups working with vulnerable children and young people.
- Implement a members’ communication plan with the goal of members understanding the Alliance’s work, receiving relevant and timely information d that meets their needs.
- Provide organisational support to members to come together to influence and shape national, regional and local policy developments for children and young people.
- Conduct annual member surveys to ensure the Alliance has appropriate supports and services to track member satisfaction.
- Publish regular content for and about the work of our members and the wider sector to keep members informed about best practice nationally and internationally.
- Devise new ways to promote the positive impacts our members make. Provide capacity building training for the membership on agreed themes and topics.
- Support for the Children’s Rights Alliance among members is strong – in terms of participation, engagement and funding support.
- The membership grows by 10% by the end of the Plan.