Over the next three years, the Children’s Rights Alliance will:
- Monitor national and international developments, respond to serious threats to children’s rights and use emerging opportunities to secure changes and pay particular attention to: poverty, education, child protection/welfare including online safety, disability, Travellers, refugees and the environment.
- Use Ireland’s 2022 examination under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child to put a spotlight on Ireland’s children’s rights record and to secure critical changes including on: poverty, education, child protection/welfare including online safety, disability, Travellers, refugees, and the environment.
- Ensure that the successor to Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures (BOBF 2) and associated strategies deliver key changes for children and young people on: poverty, education, child protection/welfare including online safety, disability, Travellers, refugees and the environment.
- Produce an Annual Report Card Series that tracks progress on key commitments in the Programme for Government for Children and Young People.
- Establish and support three member working groups on:
- Travellers and agree key outcomes/approaches to be achieved through the UNCRC process, BOBF 2, the Child Poverty Monitor and the Annual Report Card.
- Disability and agree key outcomes/approaches to be achieved through the UNCRC process, BOBF 2, the Child Poverty Monitor and the Annual Report Card.
- The Environment and agree key outcomes/approaches to be achieved through the UNCRC process, BOBF 2 and the Child Poverty Monitor.
- The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child’s Concluding Observations and Recommendations for Ireland are shaped by the Alliance and its members.
- The priorities outlined in the next National Policy Framework for Children and Young People are influenced by the Alliance and its members.
- The Annual Report Card series continues to put pressure on Government to fulfil its commitments to children and young people and clear progress is made on these commitments.
- Legislation that directly impacts on the lives of children and young people adheres to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and incorporates its key principles ensuring that their best interests are considered and that their voice is heard.