End Child Poverty Week 2024 took place between Monday 2 September – Friday 6 September. Now in its third year, End Child Poverty Week aims to place a spotlight on child poverty and its impact on children, young people and families ahead of Budget Day. This event-packed week focused on key thematic areas of child poverty including early years, education, food poverty and child welfare and alternative care.

More information on each of this year’s events is included below. If you have any queries, please contact [email protected]

Day One – Education
Monday 2 September
Online, 10.30am – 12.30pm

Our opening event of End Child Poverty Week focused on education and the need for investment to ensure every child has equal opportunity to access education and realise their full potential. We heard from parents, professionals and young people themselves who have experience of alternative education settings.

  • Chair: Karen Hannify, Director of Marketing, Communications and External Relations, Foróige, and Children’s Rights Alliance Board member
  • Keynote: Cliodhna O’Neill, Acting Assistant Secretary for School, Students and Social Inclusion
  • Youth Panel: Representatives from Cork Life Centre, iScoil, Foróige and Youthreach
  • Panel:  
    • Dr Cormac Forkan – Senior Researcher, UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, University of Galway
    • Michael Gillespie – General Secretary, Teachers’ Union of Ireland
    • Fiona Moore, Parent- iScoil
    • Julie Ahern – Director of Legal, Policy and Services, Children’s Rights Alliance

Read our press release here.
Watch the recording of the event here.

Day Two – Early Years
Tuesday 3 September
The Ark, Dublin 2, 10am – 12.30pm

The Ark, Dublin 2 hosted Day 2 for an event that took a closer look at the importance of redesigning our early childhood education and care system to ensure it reaches children and families experiencing poverty.

  • Chair: Dr Cliona Hannon – CEO, Katharine Howard Foundation
  • Keynote: Representative from the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
  • Panel:
    • Stuart Buchanan – Head of Children and Family Services, YMCA Dublin
    • Louise Bayliss – Co-Founder, SPARK Ireland
    • Dr Maria O’Dwyer – National Coordinator, the Prevention and Early Intervention Network (PEIN)
    • Mark Brennan – Project Leader, Barnardos Ireland
    • Emma Archbold, Communications and Campaigns Director at The Children’s Rights Alliance

Read our press release here.
Watch the recording here.


Day 3 – Food Poverty
Wednesday 4 September
The Fidelis Partnership, Dublin 2, 10.00am – 1.00pm

On Day 3, we will shine a spotlight on the reality that children and young people experiencing food poverty face and will discuss how this issue can be addressed in Budget 2025. The event will feature input from decision-makers and experts on the subject, as well as those who work with children, young people and their families.

  • Chair: Emma Lane-Spollen, Social Impact Consultant
  • Special Address: Minister of State for Community Development, Integration and Charities at the Department of Rural and Community Development, Joe O’Brien TD
  • Keynote: Denise Charlton, Chief Executive, Community Foundation Ireland
  • Panel:
    • Eoghan O’ Byrne – Principal, St Mary’s NS, Limerick
    • Nessan Vaughan – Chair of SVP’s National Social Justice Committee and of the Vincentian MESL Research Committee
    • Fergal Landy – CEO Family Resource Centre National Forum
    • Tracie Tobin – Principal, St Michael’s Infant School, Limerick City and member of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation’s Central Executive Committee
    • Dr Naomi Feely – Senior Research and Policy Manager, the Children’s Rights Alliance

Read our press release here.
Watch the recording here.

Day 4 – Child Welfare & Alternative Care
Thursday 5 September
Nano Nagle Place, Cork, 11.30am – 2.00pm

Day 4 of End Child Poverty Week brought us to Cork for an event that will take a closer look at adverse childhood experiences, their impact on children and young people and the opportunity Budget 2025 presents to deliver real change in this area.

  • Chair: Dr Aisling Parkes – Senior Lecturer in Law, University College Cork
  • Keynote: Clare Murphy – Interim National Director of Services and Integration, Tusla, the Child and Family Agency
  • Keynote: Dr Carol Coulter – Executive Director, Child Law Project
  • Panel:
    • Pól Ó Murchú – Solicitor
    • Charlotte O’Donovan – School Connect Project Lead, Good Shepherd Cork
    • Tanya Ward – Chief Executive, the Children’s Rights Alliance

Read our press release here.
Watch the recording here.

Day 5 – A Children’s Budget

Follow our final day of End Child Poverty Week 2024 online and in the media for how we can ensure Budget 2025 is a Children’s Budget – one designed to break the cycle of poverty for children, young people and their families.



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